Here are a couple of fun facts about New Year’s Resolutions as we begin the 2019. Topping the resolution’s chart every year is a commitment to get more exercise. Gyms and workout facilities love this time of year as people kick off their new campaigns. Unfortunately, after three months, dedication falters as half of all resolutions have kicked the bucket.

Did you make any resolutions for 2019?

The Murray Dental Group has a few smile resolutions for you to consider in the New Year…

1. Eat the good stuff
Eat more foods this year that support healthy teeth. Here are a few recommendations: cheese, yogurt, leafy greens, carrots, apples, and celery. As a bonus, most of these choices will make your body smile as well.

2. Subtract sugar
Sugary foods produce acid that wears your enamel and promotes tooth decay. Most people are not willing to remove sugar completely from their diet, but we would encourage you to resolve to cut back in 2019. Shrinking sugar intake may also shrink your waistline if that is a goal for you.

3. Brush, floss, swish
No mystery here and hopefully not a new commitment for you. Simple daily oral hygiene habits keep you on the track to optimal oral health. Make your non-negotiable resolution to brush, floss, and swish at least twice a day no matter what.

4. Don’t be a stranger
Come and see us. If you don’t have an appointment scheduled, don’t wait to call us. Professional hygiene treatment twice a year is essential to keep the cavities away, maintain healthy gums, and keep your smile shining brightly.

Our Resolution for 2019
At the Murray Dental Group, we remain resolved in 2019 to ensuring you experience the highest standard of clinical dentistry and compassionate patient care.

Happy New Year from the Murray Dental Group!

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