We believe your oral health is essential and inseparable from your overall health. From heart and blood pressure issues to vitamin deficiencies and cancer, your oral health has a direct impact on the rest of your body.
Unfortunately, studies reveal that less than two-thirds of adults see the dentist regularly. At the Murray Dental Group, we're trying to change that reality.
Here are five critical reasons not to miss your dental visits . . .
1. Catch It Early
Did you know dentists typically see their patients more often than physicians? While many people get annual physicals, many patients see their dentist at least every six months. That means we have the opportunity to catch health concerns early. Issues like gum disease, oral cancer, diabetes, and vitamin deficiencies show up on our radar first. Early detection often leads to more effective and less costly treatment that may potentially save your life.
2. Prevent Issues
Regular professional dental cleanings at the Murray Dental Group provide a preventative foundation for your at-home daily oral care habits. During your cleaning we gently remove cavity-causing plaque that may have accumulated between visits. We also remove tartar build up above and below the gum line. If tartar is permitted to remain on your teeth it can allow bacteria to grow next to your gums leading to more serious concerns impacting your overall health.
3. Return the Shine
Professional polishing helps remove external stains from substances like coffee, tea, soda, and other contributors that may have caused discoloration. At the Murray Dental Group, we use a special Prophylaxis paste designed to make your teeth shiny and smooth.
4. Save Money
Regular dental visits can save you money over the long-term. With consistent check-ups, x-rays, cleanings, and exams, we’re able to discover and treat oral issues before they create more complex and serious problems. In the same way a regular oil change prolongs the life of your vehicle’s engine, we want to extend the life and health of your smile.
5. We love seeing you
Beyond the oral health and overall health benefits, we love to see you. Our entire team works hard to ensure you enjoy your time with us and look forward to your next visit.
See you soon.